Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tools of Tech (Prezi and Finali)

Once again good job to my classmates on another successful presentation. Prezi is another magnificent way to create a nvr ending bill board of educational information. And finali is an amazing progrm from which you can create music with only ur imagination and few clicks of a mouse. Good job guys!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cool Tool Reflection 2

A few days ago we watched another set of presentations on cool tools for the classroom. We learned about museum box and Go animate! I really enjoyed both presentations and was absolutley facinated by Museumbox. It seemed like an awesome way to set up a lesson. It was also very colorful and interesting. This will come in handy for when you are trying to hold the classes attention. I once again extend a good job to my fellow future educators!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Presentations of Technology

The other day I watched three of my fellow students present three different programs that could be potentially used in education. I believe that they were all quite effective. They presented quite well and knew their way around the program. We learned about Worlde, a program used to develop and create your own story books, and a program that acted like a never ending bill board of information! It was all quite incredible. So I extend my congratualtions of a job well done to my class mates!