I am Tim Pacansky and I am an Earth/Space Science teacher at Fairview High School. I have a class of twelve students in a class room with the latest technology for the sciences. My class may seem small, but its that way for a reason! It is actually proven that smaller classes enable the student to recieve more attention, students have actually gotten better academic standings in small classes, and teachers are able to focus and get to learn each individual student. The following sources support my reasoning for this. http://www.boardingschoolsinfo.com/smaller-classes-better.html, http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2008-03-24-small-classes_N.htm
This Prezi will go into further detail of how my classroom will look and operate.
Instructional Glimpse
Our normal day operations would be to meet in the center of the room where our bean bag chairs will be located. After a relatively short lecture (10min -15min) we will enage into our interactional activities. The students will take their places at the computers located around the outside of the classroom. When they reach their seats I will proceed to show them how to do and complete the activity. After the students are on their way with their work I will continously be available to help and give helpful information throughout the class period. With approximately five minutes left in the class we will return to the center of the classroom and go over any questions that the students have about homework or their class projects.
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Annotated BibliographyI used prezi to create a presentation about the setup of my classroom.
I used google to find and utilize certain pictures and tools.
This was used to draft up a picture of my classroom.
This was used to ask for feedback on my classroom.