Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Video Project

The video I posted on my blog earlier was a really fun and interesting project. We filmed this with portable video cameras and edited it with I movie on an Macbook. We ran into some troubles with the format the video clips were in, you just need to make sure the program and format match up. This was a fun thing to do! Don't be afraid to experiment and give it a shot!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tools of Tech (Prezi and Finali)

Once again good job to my classmates on another successful presentation. Prezi is another magnificent way to create a nvr ending bill board of educational information. And finali is an amazing progrm from which you can create music with only ur imagination and few clicks of a mouse. Good job guys!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cool Tool Reflection 2

A few days ago we watched another set of presentations on cool tools for the classroom. We learned about museum box and Go animate! I really enjoyed both presentations and was absolutley facinated by Museumbox. It seemed like an awesome way to set up a lesson. It was also very colorful and interesting. This will come in handy for when you are trying to hold the classes attention. I once again extend a good job to my fellow future educators!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Presentations of Technology

The other day I watched three of my fellow students present three different programs that could be potentially used in education. I believe that they were all quite effective. They presented quite well and knew their way around the program. We learned about Worlde, a program used to develop and create your own story books, and a program that acted like a never ending bill board of information! It was all quite incredible. So I extend my congratualtions of a job well done to my class mates!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZXK68NS7gU Here is a link to a Windows Movie Maker tutorial! Check it out!

Windows Movie Maker

This is a fantastic program that is easy to operate and can be an amazing tool to use as an educator. I have used this program in the past for fun, and for many school projects. The easy controls and complex effects made easy.

I once made a horror film with my friends and used this program. The sound effects and visuals that were in it made it seem so complex, but it was as simple as pushing a button. We used captions incorporated music from our itunes and many other cool things!

It is also good for school projects. You can hav it act as a slide show if you wish or actually play video. The more exciting you make a presentation the better effect it has on the audience.

This is why I believe that Windows movie maker is essential to have on your computer! Check it out!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Interesting Concept...

I find this concept completely interesting... AND possible. I've always been intrigued with the concept of the universe collasping, and this is somthing that is so terrifying that most would deem it immpossilbe.What do YOU think?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tenure? More like an excuse to slack off..

One problem that absolutley irritates me in our education system is the concept of tenure. I believe that is absolutley ridiculous that if you stay at one location of employment for so long that you are, "safe," from termination. This simply encourages slacking off for teachers who don't genuinely care about their job. It also promotes the idea of doing wrong in the class room.

For example, for the sake of privacy the school district and teacher name will be kept confidential. A teacher who had achieved tenure would rarely meet with students who requested help. At the begining of class he would assign problems, tell us to read the book, and then proceed to do nothing for the rest of the class. He then proceeded to tell me that I would not amount to anything and would be stuck working at fast food for the rest of my life. I reported this to the school district and because of tenure he could not be touched.

This story promotes both of the problems of which I mentioned. tenure is nice if you have a genuinely nice teacher, but a school should be concerned with having the best most qualified teacher that they can get. If they have a great teacher whos students reflect their intelligence and ability to learn it should be acceptable to keep them, not just because they have been their for a while.

That was pacansky on learning, what do you think?

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Power point is a useful tool that incorporates fun animations into slide shows. You can educate and have fun with this fun, dynamic software. Try It! I can help if you have questions!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

About Me

I am a young ambitious young man named Tim. I am a very simple being who is madly in love with a girl named Science! I am really striving to become a Highschool Earth Space Science teacher. One who can actually interest and intrigue students to have an everlasting hunger for how our universe really works. I hope to share my interests and my discoveries that revolve around the Earth Space field and meet people who can relate and share with me.