Tuesday, October 4, 2011

About Me

I am a young ambitious young man named Tim. I am a very simple being who is madly in love with a girl named Science! I am really striving to become a Highschool Earth Space Science teacher. One who can actually interest and intrigue students to have an everlasting hunger for how our universe really works. I hope to share my interests and my discoveries that revolve around the Earth Space field and meet people who can relate and share with me.


  1. What is your favorite planet other than Earth?

  2. Do you plan on teaching environmental science? I am very heavy into the environmental factor of the earth and the human survival

  3. I like your beard. Oh, your blog's cool too.

  4. Don't cheat on it's sister, Mathematics!

  5. I hate science. Nice blog tho :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I also dislike science like alisa said but science is interesting :)

  8. you never fail to make things fun. keep on at it!!

  9. We need more teachers in love with Science. So many of students are not that great in it (like me). A teacher in love with it that teaches that keeps their classroom fun may help not be so nervous and anxious about it so they can learn more. Love the post!
