Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Interesting Concept...

I find this concept completely interesting... AND possible. I've always been intrigued with the concept of the universe collasping, and this is somthing that is so terrifying that most would deem it immpossilbe.What do YOU think?


  1. Well if we take it to a planetary level, everything seems to be running in a circle. Circle of life spiel and all that.

    Though me personally, I'm going to be dead and so will many generations more before we have to be remotely worried about it. If it's beyond my time, it's just flab on my mind and I'm not even going to consider it.

    A meteor is possible, though that's another can of worms on a probability scale. I have more faith in our own mutual destruction if at all, but that's just me.

  2. I concur with your statement on mutual destruction. I just found the video facinating in the respect of that is a reasonable possiblity. I also agree that it would not effect our generation but I also see it as our lives may end but the world lives on and if we can succeed in finding this as a scientific possibility it would change our present views of the universe and possbly find a way to save the future.

  3. If we are around that long. There are many things that we're going to be able to do in the time before destruction. I mean, I recently stumbled upon an article on "warping" as some games would call it. They articulated it as something a long the lines of riding a metaphorical wave, a ripple in space-time created by the engine... if I could find the article I would share it here... but as I don't....
